Is Prepping Right For You?

In today’s world, where uncertainties abound, the concept of prepping has gained traction like never before. The practice of preparedness isn’t reserved for doomsday prophets; it’s increasingly becoming a common-sense approach to safeguarding one’s future.

However, before you embark on your prepping journey, it’s crucial to understand your “why.”

Why are you getting into prepping?

In this article, we’ll explore the significance of defining your purpose, whether it’s to protect your family during natural disasters or to ensure self-sufficiency in challenging times. This understanding will be your compass, guiding you through the world of prepping and helping you stay focused and motivated along the way.

The Power of Purpose

Before we delve into the practical aspects of prepping, let’s first address the question of why. Why is it essential to have a clear understanding of your purpose when venturing into the world of preparedness?

Motivation and Commitment

Your “why” serves as the driving force behind your prepping efforts. When you have a compelling reason, such as protecting your loved ones or ensuring your family’s well-being, you are more likely to stay motivated and committed to the process. It becomes more than just a hobby; it becomes a mission.

Focus and Prioritization

Knowing your purpose helps you focus your prepping efforts. It allows you to prioritize what matters most to you. Whether it’s building a food stockpile, developing survival skills, or enhancing your home’s security, having a clear purpose guides your decisions and actions.


Understanding your “why” also makes you more adaptable. In a dynamic world, your motivations may evolve. By revisiting your purpose periodically, you can adjust your prepping strategies to align with your current goals and circumstances.

Identifying Your “Why”

Now, let’s explore some common reasons why people get into prepping:

1. Family Protection

For many preppers, the primary motivation is to protect their families during emergencies and natural disasters. The desire to ensure the safety and well-being of loved ones drives them to prepare for various scenarios, from power outages to extreme weather events.

2. Self-Sufficiency

Some individuals are drawn to prepping by a desire for self-sufficiency. They aim to reduce their reliance on external systems and resources, choosing instead to produce their own food, generate energy, and provide for their basic needs independently.

3. Economic Resilience

In an uncertain economic landscape, prepping can provide a sense of financial security. By stockpiling essential supplies and learning frugal living skills, preppers can weather economic downturns with confidence.

4. Community Support

A sense of community is a powerful motivator for some preppers. They view preparedness as a way to contribute to the well-being of their communities, organizing local groups and sharing knowledge and resources.

5. Global Instabilities

Geo-political tensions and global uncertainties can be a driving force for prepping. Those who are concerned about potential disruptions in supply chains or societal order may find comfort in being prepared for such scenarios.

6. Personal Growth

Prepping isn’t just about tangible supplies; it’s also a journey of personal growth. Some individuals embrace preparedness as a means to challenge themselves, learn new skills, and become more self-reliant.

Finding Your Purpose

Discovering your “why” is a deeply personal process. Here are some steps to help you identify your purpose in prepping:

Reflect on Your Values

Consider your core values and beliefs. What matters most to you in life? How do these values align with the concept of preparedness?

Assess Your Concerns

Think about the specific concerns or anxieties that drive your interest in prepping. Are you worried about natural disasters, economic instability, or something else entirely?

Visualize Your Goals

Envision the future you desire for yourself and your loved ones. What role does preparedness play in achieving that vision? How does it contribute to your peace of mind?

Discuss with Loved Ones

If you’re prepping as a family, it’s crucial to involve your loved ones in the conversation. Discuss their concerns and motivations, as their “why” may differ from yours.

Seek Inspiration

Read stories and watch documentaries about real-life situations where preparedness made a difference. Hearing about the experiences of others can help clarify your own purpose.

Your “Why” in Action

Once you’ve identified your purpose, it’s time to put it into action. Here’s how your “why” can guide your prepping journey:

Tailored Preparedness

Your purpose will influence the specific steps you take in your preparedness journey. For example, if your primary motivation is family protection, you may focus on emergency communication and home security measures.

Sustained Motivation

Knowing your “why” serves as a constant source of motivation. It keeps you dedicated to your goals, even when prepping requires time, effort, and resources.

Informed Decision-Making

Your purpose helps you make informed decisions. When you understand why you’re prepping, you can prioritize your efforts and allocate resources wisely.

Adaptation and Evolution

As circumstances change, your “why” can evolve. Revisiting your purpose periodically ensures that your preparedness strategies remain relevant and aligned with your goals.

Motivation and Dedication

Your purpose serves as a constant wellspring of motivation. When you’re driven by the desire to protect your family, ensure self-sufficiency, or fulfill a broader community responsibility, your commitment to prepping becomes unwavering.

Precision and Focus

Understanding your “why” sharpens your focus on what truly matters to you. It allows you to prioritize your efforts and resources, ensuring that your preparedness journey remains aligned with your core motivations.

Resilience and Adaptability

Your purpose isn’t static; it evolves with time and circumstances. By periodically revisiting your “why,” you remain adaptable, ready to adjust your prepping strategies as needed to address changing challenges and priorities.

Informed Decision-Making

When you know your purpose, you make informed decisions. Your “why” provides the context necessary for weighing options and making choices that directly contribute to your preparedness goals.

Unity and Collaboration

Understanding your “why” can also foster unity within your family or community. By openly discussing your motivations, you invite loved ones or neighbors to share in the vision of a more secure future, encouraging collaboration and support.

Wrapping Up

In our exploration of the diverse motivations behind prepping, we’ve encountered family protection, self-sufficiency, economic resilience, community support, global concerns, and personal growth as common “whys” for individuals venturing into preparedness. It’s a testament to the multifaceted nature of this practice and the depth of reasons that drive us to be prepared.

Ultimately, your “why” is your unique story within the broader narrative of preparedness. It’s the driving force that propels you forward, the lens through which you view the world, and the guiding star that illuminates your path to a more secure and resilient future.

As we part ways, we encourage you to take the time to reflect on your own “why.” It may evolve, mature, or become even more deeply ingrained in your life as you continue your preparedness journey. Embrace it, honor it, and let it be your unwavering companion on this adventure. In a world of uncertainties, your “why” will remain the constant, the purpose that propels you forward, ensuring that your preparedness efforts are not just practical but deeply meaningful. Welcome to the world of “Prepping with Purpose.”

Dave MacDonald
